
Hanna Goldmann

Never hated the Italians
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
And when we performed at the theatre - my mother was the stage director - her daughters got the main parts. And when we put on a play, we always invited the mayor and the chief of police. We never hated the Italians. Somehow we ? I don’t want to say - fit in - but adapted so that we ? because my father was lucky. There was a time, when all the names were Italianized. My uncle, he was a forester as a successor to his father, his name was Damian and as an employee, as civil servant or something like that, he had to call himself Damiani. His surname was Damian, Damiani; but my father was called Palvai and so he never had to change his name. We had a good relationship with the Italians, for example with the brigadier? Of course, in school we had to ? to dress as piccoli italiane when there was a ceremony, in uniform. But my father never had to join the fascists with the black shirts. He never had to do that.